Sunday, June 1, 2008

Where's The Whipped Cream ?

Boy, oh boy I thought I was really living with one fun, if not kinky family, when they started to get me wet and make what looked like whipped cream.

Hey, wait a minute that's not whipped cream, yuk, it is some kind of soapy stuff. What are they doing to me?

This stuff tastes terrible. Besides, I am freezing...I can't believe that they are drenching me with "COLD" water. What on earth did I do to deserve this? I am going to get a big payback for enduring this torture... maybe I'll eat someone's shoe tonight while they are sound asleep! Oh, yeah they lock me in my crate at night so I will have to save up my revenge for tomorrow!


empty george said...
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Landon said...

I've been tortured like this before too! Maybe we should start a coalition against such abuse.

Golden Retrievers Rule said...

Hello Kallie - how are you doing. You may not remember us but we used to listen to you whine and cry your very first howls and barks, and we picked up your little puppie poo's and gave you your first baths - (which I may add were in the tub, with warm water - but when you get big, that cold water stuff, is the way it happens). We just were checking in to see how beautiful you were. You were the most beautiful puppy - of the litter. And your new mommy couldnt wait to take you home - and had a party waiting for you to be delivered - You have a great place there with them, we are so glad you are happy and have such nice freinds and good parents. Your brothers and sisters all said to say Hi, they all had real great adopted parents as well, but they dont get on the computer much. Mitzi (the pomeranian you used to terrorize says hi also). You look so much like your mommy - and some of your daddy as well. We will tell them they should see the videos, Oh, YEH YOUR Mom and & Dad are going to make you a BIG SISTER they are going to have babies and be ready to have new homes at CHRISTMAS...Well, We will check back to see what other adventures you have. Have a good time. Take care !! Ken & Lisa