Sunday, June 29, 2008

Keeping Up My Exercise

Well, you know that this travel thing has been hard on my exercise routine. It is difficult to exercise in a small space but with the help of my mom or dad I do get in a little prancing and pouncing after my beloved red light.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hi Folks

I know it has been a long time since I have written but this travel thing is very time consuming and also very tiring. My folks have been buying me toys and all kinds if different treats to keep me happy but sometime I seem to make them not very happy. Like when I keep up my obsession with bitting their hands to play. Buy hey, I look at it like this...their hands have helped me break in my new adult teeth. I now have 12 new pearly white adult teeth up front so every time I smile they sparkle in the sunshine. I think that I am starting to work on my new molars too.

To my friend Landon, I wanted to tell you that my folks bought this little pen thing that emits a bright red light that I just love. They said that you loved to play games with the light also. Maybe when I come to Bracken Place we can run up and down the stairs together...what do you think?

I just have to tell you one more thing...farms are great places! You can run all you want and you don't have to be on a leash. I got to run and play with my new friends (and second cousins?) Buddy and Digger. Oh yes, I don't want to forget my time with Cricket either. I am only sorry that I didn't get to meet Scooter. It was all great and I am really sad that our farm stays are over.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Where's The Whipped Cream ?

Boy, oh boy I thought I was really living with one fun, if not kinky family, when they started to get me wet and make what looked like whipped cream.

Hey, wait a minute that's not whipped cream, yuk, it is some kind of soapy stuff. What are they doing to me?

This stuff tastes terrible. Besides, I am freezing...I can't believe that they are drenching me with "COLD" water. What on earth did I do to deserve this? I am going to get a big payback for enduring this torture... maybe I'll eat someone's shoe tonight while they are sound asleep! Oh, yeah they lock me in my crate at night so I will have to save up my revenge for tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

At The End of My Rope

Yes, I am at the end of my rope over this travel thing. Yesterday I tried ti dig my way out of the camp ground and despite all of the nice sandy soil, the numerous tree roots foiled my plan. I want to be home so I can be free to run in the meadow. My mom and dad and committed to fencing some of the meadow so I can run and play as much as I want. I did get to graduate to the "big" dog crate today so I have more room...ahhhh, now I can stretch out and even stand up when I want.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Travels of Super Kallie

Hi friends! Boy oh boy have I been busy. This travel thing can wear a puppy out. I must confess however that my old addition is still with me and I had a couple of bad days where my mom and dad were about ready to tie me to a tree and leave me (but I knew they would never do that in a million years). But even when I was really bad my mom would hold me in her lap as long as I didn't try to wash her face for her.

I have had so much fun playing in the snow for the last four days. Here in Yellowstone National Park the snow in the camp ground is two to three feet deep in spots. It is a whole lot taller than I am and I have had so much fun digging and burying my face in the hole I dig. Sometimes I just ran and dove into a pile of it and rolled or ate a big mouthful of those little icy crystals. My big sister is not as crazy about it as I am...she says the cold makes her joints ache.

Today we had to move on and leave the snow area and I am afraid that places without it won't be as much fun for me as this has been. Oh, I forgot to tell you I met a really nice boy at our campground. His name is Max and he is a fellow Golden Retriever, just 7 months old. He is so handsome with his shiny dark copper fur. Max was real nice to me and very much of a gentlemen. He never got angry with my biting and barking. He even let me stand on top of a snow bank so I was nose to nose with him. Ah the fond memories of that first summer romance. Maybe someday I will get to go to Las Vegas and try to find Max.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Another Day In The Box

Another day down and another 265 miles mostly spent in my crate. Mom and dad say I am a great traveler because I pretty much sleep and don't make a fuss.

I want to thank my fans that have added comments but dad said to tell Molly I don't need any encouragement, I am doing quite well on my own.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Yes I Am Addicted!

Well, I've gone and done it today. My mom and dad are really upset with me. They took me for a walk along with my big sister. We walked through the grounds of the Sister's Rodeo Grounds and my big sister found something dead. My dad yelled at her and she came and sat like a good dog should. I of course ran right to it and chowed down on it. Both mom and dad were yelling like crazy. Then just to drive them a little more crazy, I found some goose droppings, yum.

After that adventure, mom and dad made me pledge to join DTCPA (Dead Things and Critter Poop Anonymous). It is sort of like Al-Anon for dogs. My mom just keeps saying it is because I am still so young. My dad says "Yes, young and stupid!"