Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring has finally arrived..Yahoo!

Man, oh man, this growth thing takes a lot of energy. From just 10 days ago I have gotten taller and longer. You can see that my big sister now tries to get me in a full on bear hug when we are wrestling. She is finding it harder to just roll me over with her nose like she did in the beginning. She is still so very patient with me and has yet to get really mad at me even when I sink my puppy teeth into her cheek or ear. You might want to look back at my first post for a real size comparison.

Spring is absolutely the best. I have been outside in the sunshine and enjoying the beautiful weather. I have also discovered how much fun it is to pull up my mom's lawn and attack her plants in the flower beds. She seems to be upset with me but hey, that's what puppies do. She has been working with me on some training and I love it because it means lots of treats. So far we are working on "Come" and "Sit". They are going pretty well but I really don't like the "Off" and "No" commands...they usually put an end to my fun.

We also have this other animal that lives here. She is not too sure about me yet but I think things are getting better between us. She is about the same color and size as me but she has these funny stripes all over her. I think maybe she escaped from a prison and forgot to dump the jumpsuit...kind of a give away if you ask me.

Dad took the movie of me below so you could see how much fun I have pulling up Mom's lawn. If they let me keep at it, I am sure that I can pull it all up before the summer is over. He wanted to take a movie of me the other day when it rained because I was just like the typical little kid jumping up and down in the puddles. The big difference...I didn't have any rubber boots. Sorry you missed it, I have to admit I was pretty cute. And best of all I got a rub down afterwards with a nice warm towel...something like mass
age therapy for dogs.

Have to go now, there are butterflies and bees that I am just discovering and they want me to come
and play. See you soon!

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