Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spring is on the way...or not!

Every day seems to be a new adventure. There is this big cat that lives at my house and even though I am about two thirds the size of it, it is scared of me. It maybe because I leap at it just like I do with my big sister when I want to play. The funny thing is that she doesn't seem to mind my big sister who is way bigger than the cat is. Whatever!!

I had a lot of fun playing with the sealing ring from a canning jar yesterday. I guess I am just a typical kid...sometimes more interested in the packing box than the contents. Right now it is nice to be amused by small things since mom and dad have already told me that the older I get the more complicated life will become.

I have said how patient my big sister Annie has been, well yesterday I gave her the ultimate test. My dad had given her one of her favorite cookies and I decided that I wanted to see what it was like. I wandered right up to her and took it out of her mouth and she didn't even growl or get mad at me. I wonder how long she will let me get away with that?


Landon said...

Hello Kallie,
I just wanted to say that your blog is pretty neat. I read your most recent post about taking your sister's treat. I have to say that I found that story very funny. Sometimes I try stuff like that with my Uncle Baxter, but he gets mad.

Anyway, good luck in all your endeavors. I hope we get to meet soon. I would like to sniff you and maybe even like you on the face.

Your Friend,

flkmsclvr said...

Hey Kallie,
Nice blog! My mom has one, too, and she puts too many pictures of herself and not enough of me!

I had a little scamp come live at my house almost a year ago. I continue to let her get away with murder, she is just not worth the effort.

Welcome to Grants Pass!