Sunday, May 11, 2008

Yes I Am Addicted!

Well, I've gone and done it today. My mom and dad are really upset with me. They took me for a walk along with my big sister. We walked through the grounds of the Sister's Rodeo Grounds and my big sister found something dead. My dad yelled at her and she came and sat like a good dog should. I of course ran right to it and chowed down on it. Both mom and dad were yelling like crazy. Then just to drive them a little more crazy, I found some goose droppings, yum.

After that adventure, mom and dad made me pledge to join DTCPA (Dead Things and Critter Poop Anonymous). It is sort of like Al-Anon for dogs. My mom just keeps saying it is because I am still so young. My dad says "Yes, young and stupid!"


flkmsclvr said...

Kallie, you keep your parents on their toes! Keep eatin'!

Hope you're not getting car sick.

Kallie said...

Molly, glad you are keeping up with my adventures. I haven't been car sick yet. I guess it may depend on what other yummy things I can find in the field they walk me in.

Kallie said...

Molly, glad you are keeping up with my adventures. I haven't been car sick yet. I guess it may depend on what other yummy things I can find in the field they walk me in.

Kallie said...

Molly, PS have you seen our family adventure blog yet? There is a link on my page.