Tuesday, May 27, 2008

At The End of My Rope

Yes, I am at the end of my rope over this travel thing. Yesterday I tried ti dig my way out of the camp ground and despite all of the nice sandy soil, the numerous tree roots foiled my plan. I want to be home so I can be free to run in the meadow. My mom and dad and committed to fencing some of the meadow so I can run and play as much as I want. I did get to graduate to the "big" dog crate today so I have more room...ahhhh, now I can stretch out and even stand up when I want.


Anonymous said...

I wrote a nice long note to you all last week but could not send it....so Billie gave me a lesson on how I CAN send it....so here's goes.

WE MISS YOU VERY MUCH!!!! But we are so happy you can take this time to get away and enjoy time to yourselves. Your dog blogs are delightful... it makes us feel like we are taking the trip too. I LOVED the photos of Mt. Rushmore, how beautiful it is. And the video's are a crack up! Your adventures are hilarious! We think of you both everyday and look so forward to your return. All is well here....relay is tomorrow. Looks like it may be good weather...cool and overcast hopefully. Take care of yourselves. We will have a dinner when you come back....pot roast I think, with lots of WINE. Love to you all (Keith, Donna, Annie and Kallie). Linda and Tom

Anonymous said...

Hi Kallie. I know you do not know me, but you can ask your mom, dad and sister about me. Bets is down for her noon day nap so I am catching up on my stuff now. Bets doesn't associate with the computer so I have to call her in and let her read. This takes my comfortable chair way from me but I don't mind. when she gets up I will have her come in a look over yur whole file.I hope we get to meet this summer. I just love to pet growing puppies. They won't be calling you that much longer. Give your sister a big hug OK--Don & Bets